
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Resource Corner 

Family engagement is a fundamental element for helping our children succeed. The students at Burt Township School are utilizing a number of Social Emotional Learning resources to better their mental health. To aid in the continuity of our growing SEL program at Burt Township School we invite you to check out the following articles and resources to be used at home to best provide your child(ren) with a well rounded Social Emotional Learning experience. 

We are continuing to work our way through our Trails to Wellness curriculum. The students are continuing to learn and apply the necessary SEL skills to manage their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ways that are helpful both in and outside of the classroom setting. 

Using the CASEL core competency framework which addresses five broad and interrelated areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. The students at Burt Township School are acquiring the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to further develop positive self identities, manage emotions, show empathy towards others, establish and maintain social relationships. They are learning to set goals, make decisions, and take responsibility for their actions.

Article: Helping Children Embrace Big Emotions

Article: Calm Kids Relaxation Strategies

Article: How to Talk to Your Teen About Friendship 

Article: How Relaxation Exercise Can Help Teens Relieve Stress

Video: Move Your Way: Tips for Getting Active as a Family (1:55)

Video: Fighting Fair : How Do You Resolve Conflicts? 

Video : What is Empathy 

Video: Fight Flight Freeze  – Anxiety Explained for Teens