Timeless Teaching in a Changing World
Burt Township School District’s Upper School consists of grades 7-12. Core classes in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science are offered as well as electives such as physical education, foreign language, visual, performing, and applied arts, technology, and more. Our students receive the benefits of small class sizes and personalized instruction and can also participate in some great extras, such as field trips to places near and far, career days and college fairs, “classroom without walls” learning and athletics. They also help with the school garden and take part in projects and learning in our Burt Township School Forest and the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. There is never a dull day here in Grand Marais!


Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
The Michigan Merit Curriculum requires eighteen (18) core class credits for graduation, as well as extra courses and experiences. Burt Township School District translate these requirements to mean 23 credit hours. These credits include:
- Four (4) credits in Mathematics including: Algebra I; Geometry; Algebra II; plus one (1) additional math credit.
- Four (4) credits in English Language Arts aligned with subject area content expectations developed by MDE.
- Three (3) credits in Science including: Biology, Physics or Chemistry; plus one (1) additional science credit.
- Three (3) credits in Social Studies including: one half (.5) credit in Civics; one half (.5) credit in Economics; United States History and Geography; and World History and Geography.
- One (1) credit in Physical Education/Health according to guidelines developed by MDE.
- One (1) credit in Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts according to guidelines developed by MDE.
- Two (2) credits in Foreign Languages OR students may fulfill one of the two foreign language credits required for a diploma by completing a Department-approved formal career and technical education (CTE) program or by completing an additional visual or performing arts credit.
- Five (5) credits in electives.
In addition to our rigorous academic curriculum, students at Grand Marais Upper School, housed on the second level of our building, have many opportunities to expand their knowledge of the natural world and utilize technology to compete in the ever-changing technological, global economy. Our students are one to one with Chromebooks – each student has their own device to help them with their learning. Students also have access to Windows and Mac computers, iPads, STE(A)M devices, and a constantly growing array of gizmos and gadgets.